Men's Health &
Performance Services

Imagine how it will feel to have the energy and vitality to achieve your goals.

Struggling with low energy, poor focus, weight gain, belly fat, erectile dysfunction and low libido? Guessing is not an option when it comes to your health. Gapin Institute uses the precision and power of science. Schedule your high performance consultation TODAY.

The future of men's health & performance

While testosterone fuels energy and performance, it alone does not serve all men’s health issues. Thus, a systems biology approach addresses many other inputs and provides a broader perspective to optimize your health.

Gapin Institute empowers you to ‘Be The Best Version of You.’ As a result, we utilize the cutting-edge age management tools you need to have more energy, lose weight, increase cognitive function and yes, even have better SEX.

Get the results you're looking for.

Discover the critical drivers to Precision Medicine in every area of your life. Learn the strategies the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and CEOs leverage to optimize their body and brain for more energy, focus, confidence, and yes, even better sex!

  • Discover the Power of Your Hormones.
  • Unlock the Science: Genetics & Epigenetics.
  • Uncover the Secrets of Advanced Diagnostics & Data
  • Learn About The Power of Peptides

As Featured In:

The Gapin Precision Method.

Developed by Tracy Gapin, MD

The Gapin Precision Method, where we help you put all the pieces together and connect the dots so you can focus on one thing – results. Thus, I created the Gapin Institute centers, where under one roof I combined cutting-edge medical care, health coaching, functional labs and diagnostic testing, genetics, biometric data tracking, and concierge care.

Precision Discovery

(What Are Your Goals?)

  • Where Are You Now
  • Where Do You Want To Be?
  • Health and Lifestyle Assessment
  • What’s Your Why?

Precision Diagnostics

(Find Your Blind Spots)

  • Labs: Hormones, Metabolic Health, Micronutrients,
    Cardiovascular Health, Electrolytes
  • Functional Tests: Gut Health, Cortisol, Metabolism, Cardiovascular Health, Resting Metabolic Rate and VO2 Max, Cognitive Function
  • Imaging: Coronary Calcium Score, Full Body MRI

Precision Data

(One Size Fails All)

  • Genomics
  • Biometric Data: Blood Sugar, Sleep, HRV, Activity, Body Composition
  • Personalized Health KPIs: Labs, Tests, Wearable Data, Body Composition, Subjective Assessments

Precision Design

(Just Tell Me What To Do)

  • Life: Nutrition, Sleep, Fitness, Toxins, Mindset/Stress, Gratitude, Social Connection, Accountability
  • Supplementation: Hormones, Supplements, Peptides, Medications
  • Cutting-edge advances: Regenerative Therapies (Stem cells, Exosomes, PRP), Biohacking Tools (Cryo, Sauna, Red Light, etc.)

As you improve we are going to refine, retest, repeat, and continually optimize your health and performance.

Become the best version of you.

Data-driven health analytics at its finest

Our Services & Medical Specializations

Our proprietary G1 Programs for High Performance Health are precision medical+health strategies designed uniquely for you. Guessing is not an option when it comes to men’s health. Gapin Institute uses the power of evidence-based science for men like you to get the long lasting results you are looking for.

Do you have normal testosterone levels for your age? Does it matter? At the Gapin Institute, we are more concerned with “optimal” than “normal.” Because every man is different, there really is no normal, but rather, a range in which you would feel your absolute best. Let us help you get started today!

Testosterone levels start to decrease by 1 to 2% every year once a person hits 30, and this leads to a loss of mental, physical & sexual health. This is accelerated by the stress of our modern-day lifestyles, which causes testosterone to drop even further. As a result, if you’re feeling tired, gaining weight, struggling with focus & low libido, schedule a consult.

Want to restore your passion, drive, and performance? Discover how our Sexual Wellness and Erectile Dysfunction therapies can help you achieve sexual fulfillment at any age. Additionally, our proprietary G1 Program, PRP and TriMix, Gapin Institute has shockwave / pulsewave treatments for ED. 

Tired of all those fad diets falling short? Lose the weight and keep it off for good with our medically supervised weight loss programs. Our nonsurgical programs utilize nutrition, fitness, genetics and medical guidance to help you lose weight in a safe and healthy way. Conversely, this program is a long-term solution—a complete lifestyle change.

Are you looking for a way to turn back time and reverse the aging process? Peptide therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) are the future of regenerative medicine. Conversely, with weight loss, increased libido, more muscle mass, joint repair, and a solution for ED, there is no limit to what you can do.

Imagine how it will feel to have the energy and vitality to achieve your goals.

Our proprietary G1 Program for Precision Medicine is individualized precision health optimization designed to upgrade you. Guessing is not an option when it comes to your men’s health. There is ‘only ONE you.’ Thus, Gapin Institute uses the precision and power of science. Schedule your high performance consultation TODAY.

Everyone Is Telling You It's All About Testosterone

Consequently, that’s a lie. Still, it starts there, but doesn’t end there. Accordingly, optimizing men’s health health requires so much more.

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How Stress Is Crushing Men's Health

Dr. Tracy Gapin, MD, a Board-Certified Urologist and Men’s Health Expert, is teaming up with Gayle Guyardo, the host of the nationally syndicated health and wellness show Bloom, and her special guest co-host Frank Coto to discuss how a man’s mental health is directly linked to their physical health.

Additionally, Dr. Gapin’s extensive knowledge and experience in men’s health and wellness provides a strong foundation for exploring this important topic. Overall, by shedding light on the critical relationship between mental and physical health, Dr. Gapin offers valuable insights into the holistic nature of men’s health. Thus, through this collaboration, the audience gains a deeper understanding of the interplay between mental and physical well-being.

In essence, by joining forces with the show’s hosts, Dr. Gapin effectively communicates the importance of recognizing and addressing the interconnectedness of mental and physical health, enriching the discussion with his specialized knowledge and insights.

Insights & Podcasts

How Male Testosterone and Toxins Mess With You

Male Testosterone is often seen as the key to men’s health and performance. However, board-certified urologist Dr. Tracy Gapin is challenging this notion and offering new ways to improve men’s well-being beyond just testosterone. In this episode of The Human Upgrade™, he explains how a

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Male Hormones: How Testosterone and Toxins Mess With You

This conversation features board-certified urologist Tracy Gapin, M.D., one of the 8th Annual Biohacking Conference keynote speakers. Additionally, he joins this special preview episode to discuss new ways for men to improve their health and performance. Moreover, he uses epigenetic coaching, hormones, peptide therapy, biometric monitoring, and unique nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

“I went to countless doctors and nothing worked…After I went through Dr. Tracy Gapin’s High Performance Health program, I am a changed man. As a result, I no longer am a couch potato after work. Thus, I no longer have the brain fog that I used to experience all the time at work.”

Allen Giles

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