Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a common condition in which men cannot maintain a satisfactory erection for intercourse. Research estimates that as many as one in two American men over 40 struggle with ED. However, ED can affect men of any age.
Men with ED suffer from anxiety, feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, and diminished quality of life. It’s up there with hair loss, weight gain, and low testosterone for the most popular men’s health concerns. It can be awkward and cause feelings of inadequacy.
The good news is that there are several safe and effective ways to overcome ED and restore robust sexual function. You do not have to live with ED! We can help.
The PRP is a special kind of injection. This treatment uses platelet-rich plasma from your blood to stimulate new blood vessel growth in your penis.
This procedure not only treats ED to restore sexual performance, but it may also increase the length and girth of your penis. This entirely natural process uses material from your body rather than a synthetic drug.
We will do a thorough medical evaluation and also discuss your expectations and needs to determine if the PRP-Shot is right for you.
The Gapin Institute also offers several other treatments to help men overcome ED and achieve maximal sexual function. We practice a systems-based approach to optimizing men’s health and will help you get the best results.
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