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Get the lab testing you need.

Launch Diagnostics gets the lab testing you need to take control of your health. Uncover the ‘blind spots’ in your health that are holding you back. Measure 200+ biomarkers to help you function at the highest level and feel your absolute best.

Be your absolute best again.

Are you
looking to:

“You need your health to be the great husband, father and leader you were meant to be!”

– Tracy Gapin, MDFounder, Gapin Institute

Did you know?

  • Your hormones regulate your energy, cognitive function, mood, metabolism, muscle mass, nearly everything
  • Your blood sugar levels have a massive affect on your ability to lose weight
  • Chronic hidden inflammation crushes cognitive function
  • Your micronutrient levels directly affect your energy and mood
  • Your LDL, HDL and total cholesterol don’t tell the whole story when it comes to cardiovascular risk
  • Your gut controls your energy, metabolism, cardiovascular health, nearly everything

All of these health issues are potential ‘blind spots’ in your health – holding you back – limiting you…your health… your performance… how your mind and body function… how you show up every day..

Launch Diagnostics

Find your blind spots and optimize your health by measuring over 200 biomarkers to identify what’s working, what’s not working and what needs to be optimized...

Launch Diagnostics is a comprehensive testing panel designed to assess the most common health issues holding you back – hormones, gut microbiome, cardiovascular health, blood sugar regulation and stress

** Includes comprehensive review and interpretation of results and personalized report


When it comes to lab testing, we help clarify results.

Numbers alone don‘t tell the whole story. Your lab results are just numbers – unless you connect the dots and understand how they all fit together.

The context of your Launch Diagnostics lab results is critically important to understand what they mean and what to do about them. This is why we include a 60-minute interpretation with our team. We don’t just review the results, we explain what they mean and provide context for your health.

*HSA / FSA Eligible
*Ask About Additional Testing included in our Peak Launch for High Performance Health: Gut Health Analysis, Galleri Cancer Detection, Food Sensitivity, Biologic Age, Cortisol Testing, Genetic Testing

Precision Medicine starts here.

Start Here Today! Our team will reach out to you to coordinate your Launch Diagnostics labs and next steps. Schedule your virtual visit with our medical team to review your results (if applicable.) Our medical team will help determine the Peak Launch Program that’s right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does insurance cover these diagnostics? Some insurance policies only provide coverage for certain lab tests. As such, your health insurance won't cover most tests for Launch Diagnostics.

Are Launch Diagnostics available throughout the US? Yes. Our extensive labs are available in the continental US. Our team will work with you to get a lab order at a location convenient to you.

Why doesn’t my primary doc do these tests? The traditional insurance route typically requires a specific symptom to warrant comprehensive testing. Most doctors rarely have the time needed to understand and explain your results.

Do you do genetic testing? Yes at the Gapin Institute. However, those tests are generally included in the full year long program.

Do you accept HSA or FSA? Your HSA or FSA may cover the test, but we can not guarantee that as every plan is different.